Our secretariat is responsible for coordinating the work that the Association does on behalf of its members. Made up of 45 people – and covering a broad range of expertise and experience – the secretariat works from offices in London, with representatives also based in India and China.

The secretariat is led by Director General Sama Bilbao y León. It is composed of five departments: Communication and Marketing; Leadership and Capacity Development; Membership and Business Development; Operations; and Policy and Industry Engagement.

Our Mission
Sama Bilbao y León
Sama Bilbao y León
Director General
Serge Gorlin
Serge Gorlin
Head of Membership and Business Development
King Lee
King Lee
Head of Policy and Industry Engagement
Isis Leslie
Isis Leslie
Head of Leadership and Capacity Development
Dan Walpole
Dan Walpole
Head of Communication and Marketing
Virginie Ryan-Taïx
Virginie Ryan-Taïx
Head of Operations
Paul Kidman
Paul Kidman
Head of Finance and Administration
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