WNU Summer Institute
Alumni Winter Camp 2023
13 DEC - 17 DEC 2023
Swiss Nuclear
Among the challenges that the nuclear industry faces there are few greater than the development of new leaders to replace those that are retiring. In 2003, recognizing this issue's importance, industry, government and academia collaborated to create the World Nuclear University (WNU).

The WNU is a global network, committed to training and education, notably the transfer of knowledge to the next generation of nuclear industry leaders. Its founding supporters are the World Nuclear Association, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD (NEA). The WNU's various programmes are designed to close the gap in existing training and education offered by universities and companies.

The WNU also offers numerous short courses addressing the needs of those within the nuclear industry or those who would like to learn more about nuclear. For more information on any of our programmes, or to find out how to get involved with the WNU, visit our website or contact us via email.

Enquire about a course

WNU's flagship programme, the Summer Institute (SI), is a comprehensive annual programme which aims to ensure that the future leaders of our industry gain an understanding of the many diverse areas that are relevant to nuclear throughout the world.

The SI's programme is structured to harmonise nuclear leadership across countries and companies, and to facilitate dialogue between people involved in the different areas of the industry, building a peer network and allowing the younger generation to learn from the expertise of some of the most eminent people in the nuclear field.


Strategic Leadership Academy
School on Radiation Technologies
Summer Institute
Nuclear Olympiad
Executive Enhancement
Extended Leadership Development Workshop
The World Nuclear Industry Today
Communicating Effectively With Nuclear English
School of Uranium Production
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