International partnerships vital for UK nuclear energy 

International partnerships vital for UK nuclear energy 

Press Release: 27 January 2017

The UK must ensure that any actions taken regarding its membership of the Euratom treaty as part of the Brexit process includes a smooth transition for its current nuclear industry and allows the UK's leadership as an international partner in new nuclear development to continue.

Agneta Rising, Director General, World Nuclear Association said, “The UK is an important market for new nuclear build, with companies around the world ready to bring billions of pounds of investment and provide thousands of jobs. The UK government should ensure this can continue efficiently and that any new arrangements work in harmony with existing agreements.

Nuclear energy build is resurgent around the world, with sixty reactors under construction. The UK is set to be part of the global growth in nuclear energy, with new build projects involving companies from Europe, Asia and America. The UK government has made it clear that nuclear generation will play a vital part in meeting its energy policy objectives for clean, reliable and affordable electricity supplies.

Today’s nuclear industry is founded on partnerships between multinational companies. International trade in the nuclear industry is facilitated by agreements to allow the movement of nuclear goods, people and services. The Euratom treaty enables not only such trade within Europe, but also with countries such as US, Japan and Canada. It facilitates UK participation in long term R&D projects, and it also provides a framework for international nuclear safeguard compliance.

The World Nuclear Association is the industry organisation that represents the global nuclear industry. Its mission is to promote a wider understanding of nuclear energy among key international influencers by producing authoritative information, developing common industry positions, and contributing to the energy debate, as well as to pave the way for expanding nuclear business.

Media Contacts
Jonathan Cobb: +44(0)20 7451 1536
David Hess: +44(0)20 7451 1543
