Brazil conference highlights nuclear performance as reactor passes 50 year milestone

Issued 3 April 2019

Politicians and nuclear energy leaders have highlighted how excellent nuclear performance is contributing to meeting global energy and climate goals, during World Nuclear Spotlight Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro on 3 April.

Agneta Rising speaking at World Nuclear Spotlight Brazil

Agneta Rising, Director General, World Nuclear Association said, "In 2018 global nuclear generation increased for the sixth successive year, more new build capacity started generating than in the last 25 years. These records will be broken again in 2019. But countries like Brazil need to do more to develop nuclear generation if we are going to succeed in developing a global low carbon generation mix."

Kirill Komarov, World Nuclear Association Chairman said that the world needs countries such as Brazil, with a long history of expertise in nuclear energy, to lead the way in expanding their nuclear capacity to help contribute to a sustainable energy future.

Reive Barros dos Santos, Secretary of Planning and Energy Development, Mines and Energy Ministry, told delegates that the ministry would coordinate policies to attract long-term investment, give equal opportunities and reduce taxes. He said that nuclear energy is a strategic energy source and has important characteristics to be considered.

Excellent performance throughout long operating lives help nuclear reactors maximise their contribution to meeting our energy and climate goals. In her presentation, Agneta Rising highlighted the fact that reactors around the world are performing well regardless of their age, noting that Tarapur 1, a nuclear reactor situated on the coast of the western state of Maharashtra, India, had just passed the milestone of 50 years of supplying electricity.

Agneta Rising said, "Tarapur 1's achievement demonstrates the potential for the world's existing nuclear reactors to continue to deliver clean, low-carbon generation. This on-going excellent performance, in combination with a substantial new build programme, can help nuclear energy reach its Harmony target of supplying 25% of the world's electricity by 2050."

Four other reactors are due to reach the same milestone this year, with Indian sister plant Tarapur 2, Beznau 1 in Switzerland and Ginna and Nine Mile Point 1 in the United States all due to pass 50 years since their first grid connection.

While these reactors would be the first to meet this milestone, it is set to become increasingly commonplace as well-designed, well-maintained nuclear plants continue to deliver high performance regardless of age. Analysis published in the World Nuclear Performance Report shows that on average the world's nuclear reactors show no significant age-related variation in performance.


Nuclear plants worldwide have also seen substantial improvements in their annual performance, with capacity factors showing significant advances over the last five decades.


Notes To Editors

The Tarapur 1 nuclear reactor reached a major milestone on Monday, April 1, when it celebrated 50 years of operation, having been connected to the grid on April 1, 1969.

So far, the 150 MWe BWR unit has generated more than 42 million megawattshours (MWh) of electricity.

Construction started on Tarapur 1 in October 1964, and it entered into commercial operation in October 1969. The plant is owned and operated by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL).

World Nuclear Association is the international organisation that represents the global nuclear industry. Its mission is to promote a wider understanding of nuclear energy among key international influencers by producing authoritative information, developing common industry positions, and contributing to the energy debate, as well as to pave the way for expanding nuclear business.

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